The spine performs the most important functions of the human body. From this article you will learn everything about what osteochondrosis is, what are the symptoms and treatment of this disease, what are the signs of pathology and what causes the disease.
What is osteochondrosis
Osteochondrosis is a disease in which the intervertebral discs and other tissues of the spine are affected. Dystrophic processes are triggered inside the spine. The vertebra, so to speak, compresses, crushes these discs, which gradually leads to the pinching of the nerve endings of the spinal cord.
Important! If osteochondrosis is not treated, the pathology can lead to disability.
About 80% of the world's population suffers from pathologies of the spine. Osteochondrosis is most often diagnosed in people between the ages of 15 and 30. Although the disease affects both men and women, a strong half of humanity is more difficult to tolerate this disease.
The disease begins to develop and manifest itself in adulthood, when a person leads an active life. Although osteochondrosis is possible in children, it occurs much less frequently than in adults.
Despite the fact that specialists around the world have joined forces to eradicate the disease, new cases of osteochondrosis are recorded every year. Whether problems arise largely depends on the personal efforts of the individual.
Existing classification
There are many types of osteochondrosis, so different doctors may apply different classifications.
Depending on the part of the spine affected, there are:
- cervical osteochondrosis;
- osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine;
- osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine;
- osteochondrosis of the sacral region.
There is also extensive osteochondrosis. It is a form of pathology in which several departments are affected at the same time. For example, osteochondrosis of the lumbosacral region is often found, as it is this part of the spine that experiences a constant increase in load.
No matter what type of illness a person experiences, complications are always serious. Therefore, it is important to identify the disease as early as possible and to provide qualified first aid.
When a doctor makes a diagnosis, he notes at what stage the pathology is detected. With osteochondrosis, there are 3 stages according to the image of the x-ray examination and 4 stages according to symptomatic changes.
What happens during the pathology
Almost all vertebrae have a similar structure. They consist of a vertebral body and an arch. All the vertebrae, "folded" together, form a spinal canal. The discs are located between the vertebrae - jelly-shaped tendons that act as shock absorbers.
It is in the intervertebral discs with osteochondrosis that pathological changes begin. The fibrous part becomes progressively more fragile. Under pressure from the vertebrae, the nucleus pulposus seems to make a movement on its own and looks for a place where it is easiest to do so.
In most cases, the disc exits into the spinal canal. This leads to compression of the spinal cord and the nerves therein. The result is pain and symptoms in the organs for which these nerves are responsible.
In response to the pressure in the body, the processes of accelerated division of bone tissue are triggered. As a result, the development of osteophytes begins - bone growths that cause a person the main problems of osteochondrosis.
So, with osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, the consequences can be sad, since the pathological process simultaneously affects the nervous and vascular system.
Causes of osteochondrosis
Since osteochondrosis is a dangerous enemy, it is important to understand what triggers the onset of the disease. Regardless of the location of the disease, its causes are always similar.
The main reasons why osteochondrosis can develop are as follows:
- premature aging of the tissues of the intervertebral discs;
- constant overexertion of the muscles supporting the spine;
- lack of reasonable stress on these muscle groups;
- uneven load distribution between parts of the spine, resulting in imbalance and the development of pseudospondylolisthesis;
- the presence of a genetic predisposition to the development of degenerative processes in cartilage tissue;
- the presence of autoimmune diseases, due to which own antibodies disrupt the nutrition of the spine.
Without a doubt, hormonal imbalances and poor diet can also affect the health of the spine. Some women first encountered symptoms of the disease during pregnancy when the workload increased.
Risk group
Acute osteochondrosis usually develops after exposure to negative factors. The following factors can trigger the onset of symptoms:
- incorrect posture;
- sedentary lifestyle;
- prolonged positioning in an awkward position;
- lifting heavy weights; scoliosis
- ;
- absence of muscular corset of the spine;
- lack of vitamins and minerals necessary for the regeneration of bone and cartilage tissue;
- emotional experiences;
- severe infections;
- impact of unfavorable ecology;
- prolonged hypothermia;
- get hurt;
- sudden changes in body position;
- power sports;
- wear shoes with uncomfortable heels;
- being overweight;
- metabolic disorders; rheumatism
- ;
- congenital malformations.
As you can see, there are many factors that can cause the development of osteochondrosis. However, the earlier the first signs of the disease are discovered and the diagnosis made, the more likely it is to cure the pathology and preserve the quality of life.
Features of the disease in stages
There are 4 stages of the disease and each has its own intensity of symptoms:
- with grade 1 disease, the patient does not have general symptoms, but there may only be localized pain;
- with osteochondrosis of the 2nd degree, the pain becomes stronger, protrusion of the discs and subluxation of the vertebral bodies develop, violations of statics are observed;
- for grade 3 osteochondrosis, significant symptoms, including general ones, are characteristic and the lesion reaches the stage of development of intervertebral hernia;
- At 4 stages of the disease, disability occurs and the drugs no longer provide relief.
Of course, if osteochondrosis is detected at the initial stage, it is quite possible to stop the progression of the disease.
However, intervertebral osteochondrosis is divided according to the damage to the vertebral body:
- no violation at step 0;
- at the 1st stage, the disturbances are insignificant, sometimes there are internal tears in the vertebrae;
- in the 2nd step, the changes in the disk are quite noticeable and expressed, however, the outer surface is preserved;
- In the 3rd stage, the disc is completely affected, squeezed in the area of the spinal cord or outwards.
If you experience minor symptoms, or even lumbar spine instability or discomfort in any other area, you should see a specialist for advice.
Symptoms of osteochondrosis
As already noted, the intensity of symptoms depends on the degree of injury to the vertebral body and the location of the injury. Most patients report similar symptoms.
When the pathological process is localized in the cervical spine, the following symptoms are possible:
- blurred vision;
- ear congestion;
- noise in the head;
- ringing in the ears;
- dizziness;
- headache;
- sleep apnea;
- hearing impairment;
- fainting;
- weakness of the vocal cords;
- neck cramps;
- changes in blood pressure;
- numbness of the tongue;
- swelling of the neck;
- pain in the eyes;
- insomnia;
- vasospasm of the neck;
- dental problems.

With lesions of the spine in the thoracic region, the following phenomena occur:
- muscle spasm, resembling heart pains of a cutting, stabbing and sharp character;
- the patient has difficulty breathing;
- pain and burning in the breastbone;
- there is a lump in the throat;
- possible cough and nausea;
- pain in the abdomen occurs, especially on deep inspiration and expiration;
- there is severe weakness in the arms and legs;
- the discomfort increases with a change in body position.
For problems with the sacral or lumbar spine, the following complaints appear:
- back pain radiating to the legs;
- freezing of the lower limbs at normal body temperature;
- numbness in the legs;
- constant tension in the muscles of the legs;
- varicose veins;
- impotence;
- paleness of the skin;
- dysmenorrhea.
As osteochondrosis of the back progresses, several vertebrae may merge. Then the symptomatology gradually fades, but reappears during the spring-autumn exacerbation.
If the vagus nerve is pinched, problems with digestion, heart rate, and bladder and bladder may occur.
Osteochondrosis syndromes
It is customary for doctors to divide symptoms into groups, syndromes. With intercostal osteochondrosis there is:
- vertebral syndrome
- ; vertebral artery syndrome
- ;
- cardiac or scapular rib syndrome;
- root.
It is worth taking a closer look at each of the syndromes.
With vertebral syndrome, the following picture is observed:
- mobility is reduced and neck pain occurs;
- changes in the condition of the vertebrae are visible on the x-ray;
- the patient cannot turn his head to the side without pain.
Important! When diagnosing, the doctor should differentiate myositis and vertebral syndrome, since the clinical picture is similar, but the methods of treatment are different.
Vertebral artery
With this osteochondrosis syndrome, the following manifestations are observed:
- nausea, vomiting;
- water hammer;
- dizziness; migraines
- ;
- flies in the eyes;
- drowsiness;
- lethargy;
- fatigue;
- violation of emotional stability.
The doctor should differentiate this syndrome from atherosclerotic changes in vessels and tumor processes.
This syndrome is characterized by:
- engraving;
- chest pain;
- shortness of breath;
- fatigue;
- tachycardia.
During a hospital visit, an ECG and angiography should be done, which confirms the absence of atherosclerosis.
Pathological signs depend on which roots have undergone changes. In general, this group of symptoms includes:
- discomfort in the occipital region;
- unpleasant sensations in the tongue;
- Difficulty chewing food;
- pain when swallowing;
- discomfort in the shoulder region;
- Difficulty performing hand movements;
- no possession of 4 and 5 fingers.
Since most often several parts of the spine are involved in the pathological process of osteochondrosis, entire groups of symptoms appear.

When symptoms of osteochondrosis appear, testing is usually not done.
Some of the following tests are sufficient to make a diagnosis:
- radiography;
- computed tomography; Magnetic resonance imaging
- .
Although a conventional x-ray exam can be used to diagnose, computed tomography and MRI scans are used to more effectively select drugs and determine the degree of spinal injury.
Treatment of osteochondrosis
Both during an exacerbation and during planned treatment, treatment should be comprehensive. Applies to:
- drug treatment
- ; Manual therapy
- ;
- Exercise therapy for osteochondrosis.
The most common treatment is at home. The main thing is that the patient strictly adheres to the doctor's prescription. When a patient needs injections, a day hospital may be recommended.
Particularities of drug treatment
Drug treatment involves the use of several groups of drugs at the same time. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed.
NSAIDs are initially prescribed as ointments. As the disease progresses, tablets, injections, or some other form of antispasmodic may be recommended. Almost all nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs have a pronounced analgesic effect.
In order for the spine to relax, you need to relieve muscle spasms. For these purposes, muscle relaxants are used.
If treatment is started in the early stages of the disease, when the cartilage tissue has not yet been destroyed, it is a good idea to take chondroprotectors.
Important! For all of these medicines to work, they need to be taken consistently, at least for six months.
Vitamin B complexes can have a positive effect on recovery.
The following drugs may also be prescribed:
- to widen blood vessels and improve nutrition;
- to combat vertigo; Topical gel
- to improve blood circulation.
Compresses, mustard plasters and special anesthetic plasters with a medicinal composition are placed on the affected areas.
Performing manual therapy
Although massaging the neck and other affected areas is believed to be a popular method, this judgment is incorrect. Such procedures can only be performed after a doctor's prescription and extensive training. Bad actions can cause even more harm.
You can massage with honey or with medicated oils. The following techniques are used:
- light strokes with fingertips are performed from head to upper back;
- rubbing in progress;
- pressing to engage the deep tissue layers;
- kneading.
Cupping massage is effective. Self-massage can be performed. It is strongly recommended not to use massagers without consulting your doctor, as reckless influence can damage already fragile discs.
The benefit of exercise therapy in osteochondrosis
To get rid of the symptoms of osteochondrosis, it is important to perform a series of back exercises regularly. There are now many popular techniques for lumbar and cervical corset training. Let us consider only the most effective and briefly discuss their essence.
Physiotherapy doctor's neck gymnastics helps improve blood circulation, relieve pain and restore freedom of movement. Does not give a quick effect, the result is only after long-term treatment. In addition to exercise, it is important to consider the prescribed treatment and diet. All exercises are performed at a very slow pace, in the process a good muscle stretch is ensured.
Therapeutic neck exercises from another doctor for osteochondrosis are useful not only for people with osteochondrosis, but also for many other problems. The resort looks like more neck exercises and classes can be arranged even at lunchtime. To get results and strengthen muscles, you need to exercise regularly and only after your doctor's appointment.
General recommendations in the treatment of osteochondrosis
Since patients with osteochondrosis need careful periodic warming up, a visit to the bath will be helpful for such a patient. It is just important to take into account the stage of the disease and the presence of other pathologies. Before such a procedure, you should consult a doctor.
To strengthen the muscle corset, you can use push-ups, fitness and Pilates with a trainer. It is necessary to visit the swimming pool regularly. Each swimming session should not last less than 20 minutes, otherwise there will be no effect.
Treatment with folk remedies is allowed, but only after agreement with the attending physician and as an auxiliary therapy. Physiotherapy, including electrophoresis, can be done as directed by a doctor.
Even if the spine problems seem insignificant, or the patient is still a child, it is still important to be actively involved in the prevention of osteochondrosis.
It is important to adhere to the following best practices:
- use orthopedic pillows;
- lead an active life;
- has set aside time for sports, especially swimming;
- warm up several times a day;
- use caution when performing physically demanding work;
- give up bad habits.
Diet is important because certain foods increase the risk of disease, namely:
- salting;
- smoked meats;
- spices;
- candy;
- fatty and fried foods.
It is important to limit sodas and coffee, and it is better to favor tea and broths. Good nutrition will help protect the body from damage to bone and cartilage tissue.
Since in the early stages of osteochondrosis the process can be stopped and even reversed, it is necessary to immediately consult a doctor and undergo an examination at the onset of the first symptoms. This is the only way to maintain physical activity for many years!